How do you get a girl to like you if you’re a nerd?

OK, you guys know that being a nerd isn’t exactly attractive. Women despise nerds. At least, not until they’ve amassed a substantial sum of money. But, until then, many males will spend countless hours attempting to find out “how to make a female like you?”



Nerds abound. You’re all nerds. Some of you are aware of this, while others are not. Even if you aren’t a nerd, I’m sure you can understand how difficult it is for them to attract HOT GIRLS. Just think about it: when was the last time you saw a hot girl dating a nerd?



As a result, life for guys labelled as “nerds” can be quite frustrating. Some of these people have a lot of promise in life, and it’s a shame that FRUSTRATION is getting in the way of realizing it.


So, how do you get a female to like you as a nerd?

SIMPLY. By using one of their biggest flaws. Intelligence. Nerds, on the whole, are really intelligent people. SMART GUYS are well-liked by women. One thing is certain: intellectual guys must also be intriguing to be appealing. How?


Some things nerds are OBSESSED with. It may be Star Wars, architecture, science, arithmetic, psychology, or entirely. Girls are VERY rarely interested in their interests. However, if they can make it intriguing, distinguishing between the mundane and the fascinating, they will pique young women’s interest. What are their options for achieving this?


However, you must realize that most people are unconcerned with the finer points, scientific words, and theories. You need to figure out what people find fascinating about the subject of your passion. Then you’ll need to figure out how to communicate effectively with others and tell a story. Reading or listening to excellent lecturers or actors can help you do that. Alternatively, you could enrol in a PUBLIC SPEAKING class.


The other thing to remember is that nerds are generally stifled, shy, and insecure. All of this must be changed. You must learn to unwind, be open and conversational, energetic, and self-assured. You must meet new people regularly, try new things, and break your life’s rhythms to enhance them. If you believe YOU MAY HAVE A PROBLEM with this, be sure to visit my site regularly for new articles that will help you GAIN CONFIDENCE and provide you with step-by-step instructions for making positive changes in your life.


THE LOOKS ARE COMING UP NEXT. If you use spectacles, replace them with some that are more fashionable or invest in lenses. Look at what the “fashionistas” are wearing and try to combine your style with what’s in style. Also, make certain you look FANTASTIC in those outfits. Don’t forget to go to the gym as well! Most geeks aren’t sporty, and if you’re trying to figure out how to make a girl like you, this is one of the MOST IMPORTANT factors to consider. You don’t have to have the physique of an NBA player, but having some muscles (particularly abs, arms, and shoulders) is VERY ATTRACTIVE to females.



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