Why Do Teenagers Act Strange Around Nerds?

Before I answer this question, I’d like to point out that using the term “nerd” to characterize someone who is different from others in certain ways is cruel. There’s nothing wrong with doing things or thinking differently than others. But, in reality, it is frequently these groups of kids who, as adults, go on to do great things in the world for the benefit of everybody.


As a result, the solution to the question can be given in a single word. Jealousy is the word. Because they are envious of nerds, teenagers act strangely toward them. Teenagers are envious of people who threaten them. Others label teenagers as nerds as frightening because they have a few advantages that most so-called cool youngsters do not.

To begin with, they are frequently bright and intelligent. Second, they have influential minds and can think for themselves. As a result, they are leaders rather than followers.


Nerds are known for being bright and intelligent teenagers.


Nerdy teenagers are typically clever kids who take pride in their intelligence. They study daily and work hard at school. They also put in a lot of effort in areas of study where they aren’t doing so well. They accomplish this by not being afraid to ask questions because they care more about learning than being judged foolish. Teens that act strangely toward nerds are sometimes labeled as “cool.” However, have you ever observed that most cool kids struggle academically? Many of them cannot read or write a paragraph until they reach eighth grade. One of the reasons why teenagers act strange around nerds is that being around them reminds them of subjects in which they are weak. No one likes to be or feel foolish, and this is precisely what happens when a cool teen who can’t read or write is in the company of a brilliant youngster dubbed a nerd.




Nerdy teenagers are known for having sharp minds.

Nerdy teenagers are also known for their independence and open minds. Have you ever noticed how all the “cool kids” and those who aspire to be the cool dress, talk, and do the same things? These are instances of how to be a follower rather than a leader. Many teenagers aspire to be loved so badly that they will go to any length to achieve it. This is another example of a faulty mentality. Another reason why kids act strange around nerds is that they are jealous, but this time of their capacity to lead rather than obey even if it makes them unpopular! To be themselves and avoid peer pressure, an adolescent must be mentally tough. Because they are cognitively robust, nerdy teenagers are unconcerned about others’ thoughts.




Being referred to as a nerd in junior high and high school is not a pleasant experience. There’s a lot of pressure on you to keep your cool. So, maybe it is comforting to know that the cool kids secretly wish they were more like geeks.



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